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Auto Accidents FAQs at
Castro Valley Chiropractic

Here are some of the most common questions we hear:

Q: Why should I go to a Chiropractor for my auto accident injury?

A: Doctors of Chiropractic specialize in the structural injuries and the types of soft tissue injuries like whiplash often caused by auto accidents. Medications, shots, and even most physical therapy won’t properly address these injuries. Untreated whiplash can lead to chronic pain, arthritis, and permanent disability.

Q: Why is it important to go to the Chiropractor soon after the accident?

A: Often the symptoms of whiplash don’t show themselves for 3 to 5 days after the accident. The greater the amount of time between the injury and the start of treatment, the slower the progress and the greater chance of developing chronic pain and arthritis. It is also important for insurance purposes not to have a large “gap” between the accident and a visit to the doctor.

Q: Will my insurance cover my care?

A: Most people’s treatment is covered by the auto insurance policy of the at-fault party. We will handle all the insurance work for you and most cases are accepted with no out of pocket expense.

Q: What if the accident wasn’t my fault, and I don’t have medical insurance?

A: The at-fault party is responsible to not only fix your car, but also for the treatment of your injuries. We will help you with the insurance and paperwork so you get the care you need.
Q: How will my injuries be diagnosed?
A: You will receive a private doctor consultation, a complete examination including but not limited to orthopedic, neurologic, chiropractic tests, and any necessary xrays.

Q: Can a Chiropractor treat all of my car accident injuries?

A: Our Chiropractors are primary care physicians thus they will diagnose all of your injuries, provide treatment to help you recover, and refer you to any other specialists if necessary.

Q: What type of treatment is necessary and can I expect?

A: The treatment provided will consist of spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapy/rehabilitation, and stretches and strengthening exercises.
Q: Will I need long term care?
A: Everyone’s need for care is different, it depends on the extent of your injuries. We will outline a specific care plan to get you relief as fast as possible and to ensure that you get back to pre-injury status.

Q: What if I need to pursue medical damages in court?

A: We will be happy to refer you to an attorney that specializes in auto injury cases.

Q: What happens to your body (Neck/Spine) in a car accident?

A:In a split second, your body is pushed against your seat. Your head, isolated by your neck, delays its reaction. Then, your body changes directions, moving forward to the limits of your seatbelt.

Ready to Get Started?

We’re happy to answer any questions you have about chiropractic care after an auto accident. Schedule a no-obligation consultation at Castro Valley Chiropractic.

Auto Accidents FAQs at Castro Valley Chiropractic | (510) 247-1272