FAQs at Castro Valley Chiropractic

Can someone who has had back surgery see a chiropractor?
Most of the time, YES. That would be a great question to bring up during your consultation. Make sure to disclose all information about past surgeries with your chiropractor so they are able to make the correct treatment plan for you.
How much time does it take for a typical visit?
The first two appointments take about 45-60 minutes so that we can be extra thorough and give you the time you need. On following visits you can expect to be door to door in 15 minutes or less.
Will I get a prescription for some pain medication?
As an alternative health care provider, chiropractors do not prescribe pain medication. We will be able to discuss a way to get you FAST pain relief, without the use of pharmaceuticals.
Once I go to a Chiropractor, will I always have to go?
This is a common myth that once you start going to a chiropractor, you will always need adjustments. How long you choose to benefit from chiropractic care is always up to you. We will recommend an individual plan of care for you to get out of pain as fast as possible, and to correct the problem to keep you out of pain. Then we will discuss the benefits of wellness or maintenance care.
One way to look at Maintenance is that pain is usually the last sign of a dysfunction in the body. To avoid pain, it is important to have good spinal health. Chiropractic adjustments prevent serious problems from occurring. This is much like brushing teeth daily to avoid cavities and dental issues.
Does a chiropractic adjustment hurt?
Chiropractic adjustments should never hurt. Adjustments when done properly can feel like slight pressure but should not be painful. We believe in gentle Chiropractic.
Can chiropractic cure everything?
Chiropractic is not the miracle cure for all ailments and conditions. What chiropractic CAN do is align the spine and release nerve interference. This has been shown through numerous studies to improve overall body function and health. If some part of your body is not functioning properly due to a pinched nerve, removing the pressure off that nerve may help alleviate the symptoms and correct the cause.
Why would I have my newborn or young child adjusted?
Newborns go through a bit of trauma during childbirth. Slight pressure can help align the spine after birth to improve the nervous system. Sleep, behavior, attitude and immune system functions can be enhanced through treatment.
Can chiropractic help with colic and how?
Colic is uncontrollable crying that affects about 10-20% of infants less than 4 months old. Research is starting to prove how well chiropractic care can help these crying fits. Studies show between groups of newborns who were treated with chiropractic care vs. the drug dimethicone saw almost double the positive results. Receiving adjustments allowed a 67% decrease over 2 weeks of care while the drug group saw only a 38% decrease.
*Klougart N, Nilsson N, Jacobsen J Infantile Colic Treated by Chiropractors: A Prospective Study of 316 Cases J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1989 (Aug); 12 (4): 281-8
Still Have Questions?
We’re happy to answer any questions you have before, during or after your visit. Contact Castro Valley Chiropractic today to schedule a no-obligation consultation.
FAQs at Castro Valley Chiropractic | (510) 247-1272